Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Indecisive Me.

I wanna stop thinking, but I can't seem to.
Why the heck I'm thinking, I don't even know.
There's nothing to consider about, so why bother to?
Let it naturally come about, I will finally know (?).

It's just me. Had always been, still am, but hoping never to be anymore.
Fickle-mindedness is really starting to take its toll on me.

It's bad enough to not be able to make decisions. But it's even worse to change your decisions made, in just a few moment!
Every decision [thought to have been] made will be counteracted with another opinion, quite naturally and quite immediately. In just a split second, you see Elaine in a dilemma once again.

I know there are two sides to every coin. But I know better that for every decision made, it must have been given thorough thinking and made with pure confidence.
Quite disappointingly, I seemed to lose alot of confidence lately. I can't seem to make good decisions anymore. [Or so I thought, hopefully.]
This is no blind-self of mine, this is a very public-self of me.
I'm kinda expecting people to get real pissed with me real soon. *aiks* =(
One day, I know. Soon, I don't hope.

Gotta stop, gotta stop this nonsense! There are so many things running through my lil brainy right now, and added with the indecisiveness in me, I don't think it can sustain it all. o.O
Already I'm feeling lost every now and then, I don't wish to totally lose it all.
So however it may be, Elaine, don't make the wrong moves.
Let fickle-mindedness stop just at those lil petty stuffs, alright?


andrew said...

oritez ma??? why sound like there's something wrong somewhere ?? hope everything's gonna be alright!! *cheer up* =)

eLaiNe said...

no worries, i'm fine..
something may be wrong, but nothing lasts forever ;)
especially problems, nothing's unsolvable... =D
i hope >< hehe..

andrew said...

owhh... good to hear that from you la!! hehehe... say until so "chim" somemore.. haha =D take care la nottie gal.. ><