Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Play.

The closest I ever get to Apple is my iPod Nano. A special present from a really special man. *melts*

Now look c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y..

Our very first love token! Isn't it super-sweet?
[Shoo on if you don't agree. Pffffttt~]

Yeap, it's the short and fat descendant of the nano-dear. It was a real bummer that the 4th generation was introduced just a little while later. But given a chance to choose again, I would still go for this short and stout nano-dear. Simply because it's cuter! Don't you dare start discriminating vertically-challenged iPod nano.

A friend once brought his iPod Touch to classes. The whole lot of us was freakishly hooked onto this game.
The 'Bubble Wrap'!

As dumb as it may appear to be, do not [I repeat, do not!] underestimate its bewitching power!
Of course, it's nothing compared to the real-life bubble wrap. I remember how my Mom used to love popping the bubble wraps before tossing them into the garbage bag. Not one pop is to be left unpopped!

Sadly though, this game does not support multi-touch. So, that's the exact reason why it got even more exhilarating when no bubbles pop and you're running out of time!
Well, it wouldn't be right if we don't arrogantly beat another's high score now, right?

Since my nano-dear is not of touchscreen, I can't have this game [or many other games, for that matter]. Many years gone by, and I almost forgot about this. I miss this game!

The cute little 'Sneezies'!

It superbly puts you on the high when they go "a-choo". Adorable little fluffies you must save! The game is pretty easy based on the chain reaction concept. All you have to do is to find the most strategic and tactical spot to tip your fingers at and ♫♬ pop goes the Sneezies ♫♬! Wheeee~ Safe and free! Puts a smile on your face everytime with no fail. Kudos to the graphic designers!

Nano-dear is telling me to get a brother for him. It gets pretty lonely being the only Apple in my eyes. Afterall, it said, I have two eyes. Awww, how sweet of the little darling.
Do you hear that, Yellow blob Man?