Saturday, April 18, 2009

Proud Of Proton.

*blushes* I know, I know. A LIL hard to believe. But hell yeah, I'm so proud of Proton right now.

I admit I did have a LIL influence from him to watch this speech from Dato Syed Zainal during the launch of Proton Exora the other day. We missed it then as we have no access to the TV, remember? =.=" [Well, not like it mattered to me then. Shhh.]

So, anyway, this favourite website of his posted it up, and I'm kinda attracted to watch along. Daym~ This MD could really present ALMOST like the Steve Jobs from Apple. [Alright, another influence from him.]
Seriously, you should visit for this one. As a Malaysian, do not [I repeat DO NOT] miss this launching. ^^

Along the speech, I'd have to say we gotta give him for admitting the problems with Proton cars and how they came to overcome it. And also about how to meet Malaysians requirements in cars.

European technology, Japanese design, Malaysian price.

Typical, typical of Malaysians. Haha.
But, you see. That's what makes your products sell. You gotta know your market well, know their needs and meet them.
Haha. I'm still very surprised to hear it when he said Proton included the '
teh tarik' packet holder in the car. [Okay, that wasn't his exact words, but still...=p]

[Cool, eh? Bet all you out there had wished for something like that before. I know my Mom sure had!]

At the end of the speech, he thanked Tun Mahathir who is the founder of Proton. And yes, I'm proud of him too. Super proud! =p
And there's our new Prime Minister sitting next to Tun. ^^

[And there's alot of stupig and funny comments I told Chee Wei along the speech, which of course I won't be saying it here. Pfffft~~~]

All in all. I gotta say this too. GOOD JOB, PROTON!

Imagine being in the team who have brought this to life and reality. My Momma's gonna be so proud of me and point to every Exora on the road saying, "My daughter designed that!"