Thursday, April 2, 2009

Do You Remember? (Thought 2)

Do you remember when some days, or maybe dates, were important to you?
Do you remember anticipating for it, hoping that something special would happen on that day?
Do you remember having disappointments when the day finally arrives?
Do you remember when you finally gave up cherishing any special dates?

I was one who anticipates for some special dates and days, on which we could celebrate and remember of together. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, as long as it's memorable. That when you reminisce back in time, you'd never forget how sweet or special that one time is. You'd always want to remember that one time, especially the firsts.
Memories that'll make you smile just thinking of it. Memories that'll make you hold on to this world no matter how harsh it gets. All those sweet memories.

I'm not sure if I've given up cherishing special dates. I don't think I could ever have anyway. But I do stop myself from anticipating anything special. At least I guess I've learnt my lesson not to expect too much. Perhaps so. Perhaps I finally understand one thing I've always wondered about since young.

Are special days just celebrated for the sake of celebrating it? Could these special days go by anyhow without any celebrations? It wouldn't kill anyway, right? So, why does it hurt sometimes? Why is it still loitering around my head agitating me? Will it ever go away?


yamunah tangarajah said...

we have a lot in common... maybe not exactly but to a certain extend...
did u know dat i've only celebrated 1 valentines, n no anniversaries out of my many many year relationship... to tell u the truth i don even know when we coupled up and even broke up... haha... n this u call something worth remembering???... im still wondering y... so much for special dates... only a waste of time...

eLaiNe said...

I'll try not to agree too much with you right there. [Just in case he reads, you know. Hahaha!!]
But hey, cud I ever disagree?
Well, I guess like they say, just live your life like there's no tomorrow. Every day's a special day (?).
If only some things are as easy as said. :)