Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The 'Advertisement' Concept.

Thanks, Dad. *sending hugs all the way to Penang* Ahakz.

Daddy was on the phone with me and we talked about the dumb Data Communications and Networking subject I'm currently engaged in completing. God~! You should really see the thickness of the frigging book.
*rolls eyes*
But it's fun, at least it's ALIL more fun to read IF I have all the time in the world to spend. *aiks*
[Reminds me of what Jon asked yesternight. On whether I'm sure that I'm in the right major. >< ]

So, anyway, here's a little concept my Dad was telling me about. I just thought it's good for me to remember as well as sharing it out, hence this post. ;)
What Daddy said really struck me at that moment, and still do.
Right, 'nuff about. Here's what Daddy said.

" Do you know why people remember the products advertised on television, or any media at all, even though the airing time is only for like 30 seconds to a minute?
It's because they are persistent in airing and you could see/hear them over and over again the whole day through. Even if you're never familiar with that thing, you eventually will.
Look at the products whose advertisements are scarce. Would you remember them? You don't even bother to.

That's why the same goes to your studies. Don't force yourself to input everything at one go. You will never remember them. Just briefly scan through your book a first time, then go on with the second time.
If you have time, proceed with the third round. You'll find that you keep learning more stuffs as you go. Better yet, you'd remember them well. There's no point in cramping anyway. "

I will always remember this! Haha. Cause I seriously think it is so true.
I always think that only good ads are effective. Well, apparently not. Just for example, I hated the Chicken Rice Shop theme song. Yet, it's the stupig song that is going through my head everytime somebody says, "What to eat?". Omigosh. Doubtlessly it is the radio stations' fault for playing them all the time. Just like the Hotlink Activ10 ad too. Argh. I'm reminded of Juin Hau now. *faints*

Thanks, Dad, for the advice. No worries, I know what to do. Study smart, right? Am trying my best now. Hopefully it works.
And yes, I would read the Law of Attraction whenever I have the free time. Haha. This is so not me talking about reading it.
But if you say it's good, I'll give it a try. *winks*

A 'science' book eh. Will probably check the online version of it soon.
Shall wait for the book from Daddy. =D


Anonymous said...

Nice concept.
Thanks for this tips, might help me in the final exams.

eLaiNe said...

loll, yeah...no prob ;)