Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shivering Fever.

Oh, what a day it has been. I was down with high fever and a lung infection(!) on Monday. Oh yes, it was scary when the doctor put it that way. I know I'm sick but that sick? Gosh! It must have been the freezing cold air-conditioning in the office.
I thank God for staying with me while I drove home alone! 

It's been a long while since I last developed a high fever. And come to think about it, it's nicer to have than those never-ending flu and/or sore throats. Yes, it is. Especially when the doctor put you on strong medicines.

I was left hanging around in bed from 8pm on Monday after my first dose of medication till the next day's evening. I must have slept for at least 16 hours. I couldn't even stand still, let alone walk straight. In fact, I'm still feeling rather *wee wang wang* at the mo. Drowsiness. When he said it's strong medicines, I didn't believe him that it was this strong.

And I truthfully hate medicines. He just had to give me a whole variety of them. Tablets for feverfluphlegmsasthma, and of course antibiotics. 8 tablets to swallow! Are you kidding me?! Blergh! Oh, and don't forget on the cough syrup! Blergh!

Oh well, at least I'm well pumped up for the hectic day tomorrow! *fingers crossed* =)