I remember when I first left Penang for Malacca for foundation studies. I hated the place here, being alone and all. Staying in the hostel didn't help at all. I felt totally dumped. I absolutely remember how Yam and I would fight with Shad about how much better is Penang compared to Malacca. Haha, oh the foolishness back then.
As time goes by, I found friends. In class and in hostel. Suddenly, even staying in that damp ol' dark creepy hostel doesn't seem to be that bad anymore. Laughters had bring life to our hostel rooms. Arguments and naughty taunts just, erm well [as much as I hated to admit this], brought much more than just fun to the times we had in the classes.
Then, I remember leaving Malacca for Cyberjaya after that year. Oh, how I am beginning to miss Malacca already. Maybe it's the company in Malacca that I'm missing most. But Malacca didn't seem that bad when it first was anymore. The hatred has now turned its attention to Cyberjaya, the intelligent land. *bah!* Oh well, it's stupid how it's "intelligent" and yet so dead. While most of my best buds stayed in Malacca's campus, I'm basically here very alone, once again.
Bla bla bla... Time flies. It's finally the time I've been waiting for since the very first day stepping into the grounds of MMU. Haha. Internship!!
But now, I'm missing Cyberjaya. Okay, fine. So the reason is mostly him. Still...
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