Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cloudy Skies.

The weather is pretty comforting for the past few days. Things had got better since Monday and the clouds have never left me. Even if lightning strikes and thunder roars now, it's okay.
But it's really the weather and the on-going things around us that makes situation seem so comforting and safe at the same time. I've got my comfort zone back once again. Safe and sound.

Cloudy skies especially brings so much comfort. It's like a soft, puffy blanket protecting over your little body in this big big world. It's even nicer when you get to go outside and feel the cold air breezing through. Feel it in your face.
, the contentment.

The clouds have never failed to make me realize how much I enjoy just being in this world at that moment. Being the little human that I am. Just being able to look up into the skies and look at the art of God, it really brings me the comfort I cannot describe. Not to mention the joy too.

Everytime I go for a jog, it's pretty much of what I must do. To stroll and look up to the sky and enjoy. [Another good excuse to not jog and laze by just taking a long stroll.]
Yet, everytime it's like magic. Everytime I'd see something different. A different formation. A different colour. All of it seemed so magical all at once.
And I'm always overjoyed. Like some kid who never saw a cloud in her whole lifetime. *blushes*
Sometimes I just wish I have a really good camera in hand, with which I can capture every details of the sky. But... An SLR camera is still too expensive to be possessed. *sigh*

Not to fear though, the sky will always be there above us. Just protecting us little humans. [Unless of course if we don't stop pollution and continue killing the ozone layers.]
So it is okay not to have an SLR at the moment. For as long as my eyes still see, I will not stop looking up to enjoy God's cozy creations and let the clouds bring my troubles away from my little head. =)