Wishing each and every one of the Cina people out there a very happy and auspicious new year. Whether you're full Chinese, half Chinese, quarter Chinese, 33% Chinese, 68% Chinese or 78% Chinese. We all come as one. Enjoy this special day and hope you had a great reunion dinner.
This year, I had an especially special reunion dinner. A lil too bad that I didn't get the chance to snap some photos. [Especially of the beautifully decorated ingredients for the steamboat. Of course by me =D ]
Anyhow, being able to go through it is special enough. Having so many people celebrating it with us is extra special. Having had the dinner in our very new home adds on to the best of the night.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow and all the days to come.
[And of course of all the steamboat meals to come. Brrr~]
Ooo, not to forget what my evil-half told me to say. I'm totally looking forward to all the ang pows to be received. *e-bil laugh* [Pardon my nonsense]
p/s: My advise - Don't wear red.
You wouldn't want to get chased by a bull/ox/cow now, do you? *winks*